Kimberly Kunaniec


Kimberly Kunaniec is a former baker and pastry chef. She now works as a food writer and loves ice cream more than just about any other food.


Kimberly has been baking and enjoying desserts for as long as she can remember. After attending culinary school, she began working as a baker for a Bay Area wedding cake shop.

Kimberly began to write professionally because she has too many interests, including things like cooking, law and geology. Writing is one field where she can explore those interests while continuing to learn. Since 2006, she has worked part time creating websites and web content. Sharing great recipes and food ideas through the internet is one of her true passions.


After earning a B.A. in English at the University of California at Davis, Kimberly attended the California Culinary Academy. In 2005, she received a certificate in Baking & Pastry Arts from the school.

From Kimberly Kunaniec:

Ice cream can be comforting, refreshing, and exciting. There is something about an ice cream sundae that brings us back to childhood, but there are many modern and decidedly adult frozen desserts to make as well.

One of the best parts about learning to make your own frozen desserts is that they don’t require a culinary degree to figure out. Most of the recipes are simple and easy to adapt for your own taste. I am a firm believer in experimenting with recipes and adapting them until they are perfect. Try it as written once, then make your own changes.

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