
Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:55 PM GMT


what is reason for the creation of magnetic fields in the universe especially in stars?also could be able to see Venus with our naked eye?do the sun have a spin motion?


Archana, Stars develop magnetic fields because of highly charged masses of plasma moving in their interior. It's similar to the lines of magnetism which develop around a wire in which electrical current travels. Look at this article, and at the articles near the bottom of the wikipedia article page.

Venus can be seen with the naked eye, easily. Yes. It is brighter than the brightest star. It is known as the Evening Star, and also the Morning Star. This is because its orbit is relatively close to the sun, which means it shows up in the sky when the sun is not too far below the horizon.

The sun does rotate, yes. It takes about 25 Earth days to rotate once, plus or minus a day or so, depending on your perspective on the rotation.

Keep Looking Up! -Ed


I'm really interested in astronomy and i love the beauty of the skies and i've been teaching it to myself but when i finish school i want to learn astronomy.When i began reading e-books, astrophysics was very hard full of tables, will i have to memorize these if i study astrophysics? and if i want to avoid these things what should i do?



Unfortunately, astrophysics is not an easy subject! Nor is memorization adequate, since one must first of all be able to do basic physics - then apply the principles from basic physics to more elaborate examples in astrophysics. (For example, applying the convection learned in general physics to the case of convection in the outer layers (convection zones) of stars)

In addition, one absolutely has to be able to use math as a second language. In other words, an algebra problem like solving (find the roots of):

2x^3 -3 x^2 -2x +3 = 0

can be done without batting an eye.

Are you comfortable working with math? Do you like algebra? Can you easily solve the above equation?

If not, astrophysics is perhaps not the field for you.

The reason is that so much of the advanced physics (thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, etc.) that factors into astrophysics, uses higher math - especially calculus, differential equations.

So, I think a better bet, before opting for astrophysics - is to see FIRST if you like PHYSICS. If you aren't interested in physics, it is unlikely you will do well in astrophysics.

A good test of that can be had by visiting this site at the Univ. of the West Indies:

On the far right side (after you bring up the link) are all the undergraduate physics courses offerred. For example, 'Electricty & Magnetism' at the top right.

Click on one or other of the physics links here. Now, say after clicking on the link - look at the extreme UPPER left of the menu and view 'Topics', then click on it.

Choose one that is brought up and click on it and bring up the notes for it. For example, 'Electric Fields- Electric Charge' will bring up the following:

Note: each little embedded professor in the field (waving a pointer) brings up a small tutorial video if clicked on.

Do this, listen and watch the tutorials, and think whether you will be comfortable handling this.

If so, yes try to go ahead and maybe pursue astrophysics.

If you are in High school, make sure you take every physics and math course available. Also, when you sit the SAT apply also to take the AP Math as well as AP physics. Get 650 or more on each, and that is a good sign!

If none of this is feasible, or you aren't comfortable with math or physics, it may be enough just to learn astronomy on your own - as my wife did - and don't try to gain any degrees from the learning. Just enjoy!


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