Haller ag

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:38 PM GMT


QUESTION: I have recently purchased a Longcase clock, which the previous owner owned for 20 years and knew nothing about. After doing my homework I have discovered it is a Haller AG art deco clock with a chrome face and chrome pendulums and weights,it is westminster chimes, I was wondering if you can give me any info on this clock, and do you know if they are desirable to collectors??? It's a lovely clock which is working fine.

ANSWER: Your clock was most likely produced by decendents of Thomas Haller at either Schramberg or Schwenningen Germany. I would pretty much need to see the clock to make further detiremenation. Somehere along the line The Junghans brothers had a hand in the operation. The Haller factory produced both clock and watches. At one time they were major producers of alarm clocks. Sight unseen this is about the best I can do for you. Quality Haller clocks are allways highly disired by collectors. ---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is a link (below)to the clock, The seller on ebay closed the bidding and sold it to me for ?225, his wife just wanted it gone.

I have also found out that because the weights and pendulumn are chrome, it can't of been made before 1927, and Haller AG was took over in 1929 by Kienzle, so it must of been made between those dates. If you can tell me anymore I would be grateful, and I hope I have made a good purchase.



I can provide a bit more history on Haller. The firm was founded in 1880 (?) in Swchwennigen Germany by Thomas Haller (1854 + 1917) Joined by his son Thomas Ernst Haller (1878 + 1956) in 1903. The Haller operation came under the limited ownership of the Junghans brothers in 1900. That union was disolved in 1903. In 1929 the firm was purchased by Kienzle. From 1903 till 1929 the firm operated as stockholder corporation, thus the initials A.G. Haller operated within the structure of Kienzle untill 1956 at which time Haller became a corporation of limited liability (G.m.B.H.) and remained as such untill disolved in 1976. Based upon these factors your guess for a date of manufacturing of between 1927 %26 1929 appears to be well founded.


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