King arthur clock

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:38 PM GMT


QUESTION: I purchased a King Arthur Clock in 1987 from the King Arthur Clock Company in Fairhope, Alabama. It has not worked for several years now and I just found the original paperwork. It has a 25 year warranty on it and I would like this honored if possible but it seems the King Arthur Clock Company is no longer in existence. I have had it looked at and the repair person said it needed new works as the old one had just stopped functioning properly. Also, I have lost the key for pulling the weights up. Is there anyone who will honor this warranty? Thank you for any assistance you can give me. Best regards, Marilyn.

ANSWER: I'm not familiar with the King Arthur Clock Company. Most of the smaller clock manufacturing (and a lot of the large ones) have gone out of business so I'm not surprised to find that this is the case with them. The life expectancy on the clock movement is 12 to 20 years depending on how often it was lubricated. I have never heard of anyone guaranteeing the movement for more than one or two years. I might expect a 25 year warranty on the wood case but not the movement. I honestly don't think there is any chance that you will get anybody to honor that warranty. I wish I had better news to report.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response. Do you know where I can get a key that will fit this grandfather clock for the weights in the Nashville area. It is used to wind them up and also, who might be a good and honest repair person in this area? Thank you again. Marilyn


Hi Marilyn, I don't know anybody in your area who does clock repair. If your clock has cables holding the weights the crank key at the following link should fit it:


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