New haven mantel clock not working

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:39 PM GMT


Laurel wrote at 2010-06-21 01:08:16 Thanks for responding. When I advance the minute hand to the next 1/2 hour, the clock strikes as though it's on the hour. When I put the key in the right side hole (at 4)I can't move it at all. So, the pendulum doesn't swing. And, now the I can't move the key in the left hole either. Thank you.


Correcting the strike is easier than getting the clock ticking again. Try moving the minute hand all the way around from the top of an hour to the top of the next hour. You have to complete the rotation before the clock finishes striking. This should get the strike upright again. You can't turn the key anymore because the clock is wound all the way up. I can't diagnose the going side of the clock without a lot more information. Can you hear it tick when you swing the pendulum? clock parts and repair


Hello, a month ago I purchased a new haven mantel clock, set the pendulum and wound it with the left hole - right one didn't work. It worked for a week and then I wound it again and it no longer works. I've moved the pendulum and it will swing for about three minutes before stopping. Have tried winding again, but it's so tight it feels like it will snap if I twist any harder. Thanks for your help.


One winding side is for to keep the pendulum swinging (time side). The other is for the strike (strike side). It sounds like the time side ran down and was not wound back up. What do you mean when you say that the right side didn't work? If you advance the minute hand to the next 1/2 hour does the clock strike? Have you tried winding the right side again? clock parts and repair


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