Reporting Copyright Violations

Updated September 30th, 2014

Reporting Suspected Copyright Violations takes claims of copyright infringement seriously. You may wish to reach out to the user posting the content before you report a claim of copyright infringement to eLuminary because you may be able to resolve the issue amicably and quickly simply by bringing it to the attention of the person who posted the content.

If you believe in good faith that your copyrighted work, or the work of a person on whose behalf you are authorized to act, has been reproduced on the Service without authorization in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and not governed by Fair Use, you may email Support to notify us.

Please include the following:

  • Your electronic signature.
  • Identification of the copyrighted work you believe to have been infringed or, if the claim involves multiple works on the Service, a representative list of such works.
  • Identification of the material you believe to be infringing in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material, such as the precise url (web page) that it appeared on. Inclusion of copies you have of that web page may also help.
  • Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address).
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law.
  • A statement that the information in the written notice is accurate.
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the Service is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees). It is our policy in appropriate circumstances to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers. Our Copyright Agent’s telephone number is 212-204-2999, but you should not use this number to submit the notification described above, which must be in writing to be effective under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3)(A).

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